Monday, July 20, 2015

The Photo Not Taken

When my love ask me if I wanted to go for a short ride on the ATV today, I quickly jumped on for a ride. We traveled onto a road that had been abandoned several years ago.

An area that was once filled with homes, laughter of children and gardens growing has been almost long forgotten. As we traveled along the narrow moss-covered road, I got the impression that  amazing beauty once lived there. Although, this country road is in close proximity to my home, I only recall visiting there when I was approximately ten years old.

We traveled until the road became dangerously un-safe to ride and was certainly in bear and rattlesnake territory with no protection. As we were turning to leave, to our left was a road that we followed out to a cemetery. Being the curious person that I am, we parked the ATV and went to investigate.

As we walked through the cemetery, we could tell that many buried there were children. We felt a tug at our hearts when we saw four stones listing babies of the same couple. There were no names on the four stones, just ” son of ” and ” daughter of ” with the family name.

Most of these graves dated back into the 1800’s. Some were marked by hand carved monuments and some were covered with buildings. Near the edge, in it’s on quiet serene surroundings set a small log building that was built with beautiful craftsmanship. The weeds were high and being in fear of snakes, I did not go in closer for a better view. I was truly amazed that somebody put such love into that log building for their love-one to be laid to rest in.

I call this post, The Photo Not Taken because for once I left the camera at home and just enjoyed the beauty. I was amazed with all the things that I wanted to photograph and the possibilities of being creative. In addition, a photo could not capture what my eyes, heart and mind captured on this ride.

I am looking forward to exploring this area more in the Fall when the colors will be abundant.

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